Domestic Homicide Reviews
Foundry Risk Management Consultancy holds significant experience in conducting reviews of incidents and criminal activities which have led to domestic homicide. We independently chair Domestic Homicide Review (DHR), working in close association with stakeholders .
Our Role In Domestic Homicide Reviews
- To determine the scope of the review.
- To prepare a Memorandum of Understanding and Terms of Reference.
- To meet key stakeholders (including the police) and coroners to coordinate parallel processes for investigations, inquests, etc.
- To set expectations for agencies’ Individual Management Reviews (IMR) and challenge the same.
- To engage with families.
- To manage and co-ordinate the process and production of the final report based on the independent management reports of agencies and other evidence produced to the panel.
- To act as a bridge between the review panel and CSP and prepare multi-agency meetings, including minute taking and admin.
- To produce the following:
- Overview Reports
- Executive Summaries
- SMART Action Plans
• To deliver post review training and consultation to ensure plans and recommendations are followed through.
Our Key Skills
- Knowledge of domestic abuse (DA), including honour-based violence and relevant legislation relating to adults and children.
- Understanding the roles and discipline process of participating agencies.
- Managerial expertise and good investigative interviewing and communication.
- Ensuring effective DHR in the area of crime.
- LSCB, LSAB and Local authority engagement.
- Providing ‘administration service’ including meeting organisation, agenda and meeting room preparation, minute taking and feedback.
How Our DHR Works
- It establishes the ‘lessons to be learned’ for professionals and organisations to work separately and together in the future, to safeguard victims.
- It clearly identifies what lessons are both within and between agencies, the timescales for improvement, and changes expected.
- It allows application of the lessons to service response including policies and procedures.
- It helps in preventing domestic abuse and related homicide, and improving service response to victims and their children through intra and inter-agency working.